Monday, July 5, 2010

Star Trek Medicine

Well the past few weeks of clinic have been amazing with the use of CLRT (Cranial Laser Reflex Technique.

It really is a bit like Star Trek - or like the 'healing centres' in the new version of 'V' on TV, where a patient comes in with a pain, I wave a laser at them for a few seconds and the pain goes.

Here's a couple more examples:

A patient I haven't seen for a while came in today with a new problem - cramp like pain in the frone of her shin, present for the past week, and so bad she can hardly walk. The pain was onviously in the anterior tibialis muscle so I waved a simple laser pointer on the cranial reflex to the muscle and 30 seconds later the limp was gone.

Similar thing happend for a patient who'd lacerated his inner thigh - one minute he was limping, the next fine. And once again for a lady who'd suffererd a hamstring injury - limped in, 1 mintue later walking normally.

The most amazing anecdote though is an RAF navigator came in to see me with a 2 month old shoulder problem. The pain had been there for two months but it had been clicking for years. Examination revealed a few muscles where dysfunctional and I was about to use CLRT when I noticed a scar above his left eye and asked him about it. This scar was not in a reflex area for the shoulder, but it lead him to tell me about the patch of grey hair on the back of his head was as a result of a scar from childhood. This grey patch just happened to be right over the reflex to his left rhomboid muscle - a shoulder muscle. So I lasered the point for 20 seconds and 'bam' his shoulder was better - increased range of motion and much less pain.

This stuff is amazing, safe and reproducable.

Thank you Dr Wise for your discovery.

More updates soon.

Dr Chris

The Pain Relief Centres - the home of natural pain relief

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